Beachwalker starts driving a long, long distance with his car friend Audi S5

Beachwalker meets an elk in Sälen

Beachwalker meets an elk in Sälen


Beachwalker meets a norwegian softis

Beachwalker meets a norwegian softis


Beachwalker eats softies with his beard

Beachwalker beard meets softis


Beachwalker walks the cemetery in Oppeheim

Beachwalker walks the cemetery in Oppeheim


The raspberry place in Oppeheim

The worst and in another way best hotel experience in Norway so far

The raspberry place in Oppeheim

The raspberry place in Oppeheim

The German "goss" hitchhikes in the Audi S5 cabriolet and smiles

The German ”goss” hitchhikes in the Audi S5 cabriolet and smiles



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