The last day of this stage starts with the sun awakening. Mellbystrand. Supposed to be the longest sandy beach in Sweden. It seams endless when I start walking, not talking. Since I am by myself as almost always.
I always find foreign objects on the beaches. On Mellbystrand arrows seam to be fashion of the season…
After finishing the beach Mellbystrand, exactly 14 kilometers long, I need a Co-eater. Senjår Permander were willing to do the job and alsot to take pictures that are gooder instead of bader…
Back in Stockholm. Stage two in Skåne will be walked in september. After that. Finland, Norway and Sweden are sooooooooo beachwalked…
Shells are no nice at all for Beachwalker. Actually they are the most dangerous species for my feet and my lifestyle…
My first Beach Party this year. At Vejbystrand, only the twins are sleeping. And soon Beachwalker as well. I am kind of old/young-tired…
Finally I land in/at my first real beach house this year. In Vejbystrand. Many thanks to Anna, Daniel and the twins…