Norsta Auren Fårö. Maybe the bestiest of the best

The entrance to the paradise mad out of  the sandiest of sand.

The entrance to the paradise mad out of the sandiest of sand.


Why not turn your head a bit to the side? Maybe because you look stupid. But you don't. Nobody else is there.

Why not turn your head a bit to the side? Maybe because you look stupid. But you don’t. Nobody else is there.


I am not a nudist. Normally that is.

I am not a nudist. Normally that is.


Proof of the naked Beach Walker. Drying without a towel in the sun is so much sun.

Proof of the naked Beach Walker. Drying without a towel in the sun is so much sun.


My Mexican naked beach dog with fur is my best co-walker.

My Mexican naked beach dog with fur Pippi  is my best co-walker.


My future wife Charlotte and my youngest beach daughter Vanessa Sandy Beach awaits me.

My future wife Charlotte and my youngest beach daughter Vanessa Sandy Beach awaits me.


Pippi back in our Beach House.

Pippi back in our Beach House.







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